Staffordshire University’s first TEDx event

Staffordshire University’s first TEDx event
Posted on 14.02.23
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Staffordshire University’s first TEDx event

A Pro Vice-Chancellor, alumni, first-year student, Associate Professor and an Honorary Doctor – all from Staffordshire University – took to the TEDx Staffordshire University stage to deliver inspiring and passionate talks.
Professor Raheel Nawaz PFHEA NTF, delivered his ‘Find Your Path to Happiness by Choosing to be a Giver’ talk.
Sophie Jackman, a first-year animation student spoke about the importance of LGBTQ+ in animation.
Associate Professor Anna Francis delivered a talk on ‘How a 100 Year Plan is rRegenerating our Community.’
Honorary Doctor Keith Brymer Jones shared his thoughts on ‘Thinking through Making – My Epiphany With Clay.’
Alumni Gemma-Louise Walsh spoke on ‘What Making Art Badly Actually Feels Like.’
We are so pleased to have hosted this event. Thank you to all of the speakers who took part, and the audience who joined us on the evening.

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