Innovation Award entrant – V-Prep IT Ltd

Innovation Award entrant – V-Prep IT Ltd
Posted on 21.04.23
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Innovation Award entrant – V-Prep IT Ltd

A Stoke-on-Trent company that creates training videos for pilots has been working with Staffordshire University to develop state of the art, immersive virtual reality software.

Longton-based V-Prep IT Ltd has been making training videos for the Boeing 737NG and the Airbus A320 since it was established by Training Captain James Feeney in 2016.

Now, following a year-long placement by a Staffordshire University VR student, a virtual reality training platform is in the development stage.

“It is our vision to provide quality, cost effective solutions by developing a comprehensive training system which can be used by both individuals and Airline Training Organisations alike,” said V-Prep IT Ltd business development manager Nicky Reeves.

“This style of learning will bring together a symbiotic relationship of visual learning – proven to amplify the learning process and to allow for better overall retention – through our quality training videos and the valuable benefits of innovative, immersive VR.”

V-Prep IT Ltd’s team of eight staff includes animators, videographers, editors and sound technicians to enable all content to be produced in house.

The aim is to replicate the VR training platform for different aircraft and to adapt to the needs of different airlines.

“Currently we are in an alpha stage of the product where we have a comprehensive working proof of concept. We have showcased this to pilots, university students and lecturers to gather fantastic feedback which therefore has aided the development process and ensured the quality and validity of the product,” said Nicky.

Historically pilot training has tended to be via manuals, which are not interactive for users. V-Prep IT Ltd’s aim is to combine theoretical and practical training.

The company has entered the Innovation Award category of the Staffordshire University Business Awards.

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