Innovation Award entrant – Hayle Communications

Innovation Award entrant – Hayle Communications
Posted on 14.04.23
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Innovation Award entrant – Hayle Communications

A moling machine, capable of installing new and replacement underground ducts and services quickly and efficiently, has a potential worldwide market when it goes into production later this year.

The electrically-powered device is the brainchild of communications installations engineer Bill Mabey and has been worked on by students in Staffordshire University’s Innovation Centre.

Bill hopes the machine will go into production within the next few months, through his company Hayle Communications, and believes it will have a dramatic impact on the sector including significantly reducing the need for pothole repairs.

Bill said: “The machine is electrically operated and fitted with a tracking system to enable accurate installations.

“Being silent it is suitable for use in urban areas at night when traffic levels are low and avoids costly trenching and reinstatement, which is one of the causes for creating potholes, which then damage vehicles, resulting in constant and expensive repairs to vehicles and road surfaces.

“There is a high worldwide demand for moling machines for installing new and replacement utility services to homes. Machines currently on the market are noisy, air operated and there is a restricted moling range of around 100 feet for use only in temperatures above zero.

“Our Electric moling machine is silent, compact, transportable in a small van and eco friendly.”

Bill has been working with Staffordshire University students on a tracking system for the moling machine and on switching the machine’s power source from petrol to electric.

He has now entered his moling machine into the Innovation Award category of the Staffordshire University Business Awards.

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